Starting in 1986, Election Data Services has produced posters depicting the election results from each year's federal November general election. Now in its 20th version over the past five decades, the 2024 poster focuses on the Presidential results on the front side, showing county level results of the final certified returns (including late absentee ballot counting) and following all recounts. In addition, there is a separate county level map showing the percent change in the Republican vote for Trump in 2020 compared to what he received in 2024. Yellow circles are placed in the 84 counties that change from Democratic to Republican Presidential win from 2020 to 2024.
There is a table showing how many of the nation’s 3,153 counties were carried by Trump, Harris and Others in each ten-percentile range from 0 to 100 % of the vote, along with a calculation of what percent of the total Trump/Harris nationwide vote came from that percentile of counties. In addition, there is a separate table showing how many counties were won by the Republican, Democratic and Other parties in each Presidential election of 2012, 2016, 2020 and 2024. There is a separate table at the state level showing the presidential votes received by Trump, Harris, Jill Stein (Green), Robert Kennedy Jr. (Ind) and all Other Candidates in the Electoral College, the Popular Vote (in both millions of votes and percent), as well as the number of states carried by each candidate.
Bar charts show the total vote received by Party for President from 2000 to 2024. A separate bar chart shows the change in the number of votes received by each party compared to their candidate’s vote four years before (expressed as gains or losses in millions of votes). Charts showing nationwide votes by party and change in votes for the past 20 years is also shown. Using county level data, tables show the number of counties that changed in their Presidential voting patterns from 2016 to 2020 (in both raw numbers and percentages). A separate table shows the Presidential vote results by counties that are categorized by urban, suburban, fringe urban and rural classifications for both 2020 and 2024.
The front also contains a summary of the election in an "At A Glance" table which shows the political composition of the US House, US Senate, Governor, Chief Election Officer, Overall State Legislature Control, as well as individual State Senate and State House compositions. In addition, the table shows the number of incumbent and open seats for each chamber's political composition, by party. The data is summarized for before the election, after the election, how many were switched to and how many were retained by each party.
Continuing the practice started in 2010, both sides of the poster are utilized to provide the widest range of information. n the back side, results of statewide outcomes are shown for Governor, Control of State Legislatures, State Senate and State House party control, and vote for highest election official in the state, , providing a convenient reference listing for your wall. . Labels had been added to the State Senate and State House maps showing the number of members in the majority party, the minority party and any third party as of November 26, 2024, as collected by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Individual posters are 43” high x 30.5” wide.
Posters are available either folded or flat and are suitable for hanging on your wall. If you have the wall space a special "Double Purchase" price has been created so you can see both side of the poster at once. You'll be shipped two maps for the price of 1.6 maps.
Flat posters will be shipped in tubes with USPS tracking turned on with notices sent to the e-mail addresses submitted with your order.