Profiles of some 8,000 election jurisdictions in the United States
Since 1980 Election Data Services has maintained a database on election administration that profiles more than 8,000 election jurisdictions in the United States, including 3,000 counties and county equivalents, and 4,900 townships in Michigan, Wisconsin, and the six New England states—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
The Election Administration Data Files include for those jurisdictions population (e.g., voting age population, or VAP) data, voter registration data, numbers of voting precincts, contact information for election officials, and data on voting equipment in use.
Election official contact profiles include the following:
- Name and title of principal election official
- Address (i.e., postal mailing address)
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- Email address (principal election official)
- Jurisdiction Website URL
Voting equipment profiles may include the following data on voting equipment for Early, Absentee, and Election Day voting, including Accessible voting devices:
- Voting equipment vendor
- Voting equipment hardware (i.e., model)
- Voting equipment hardware type (e.g., DRE or Optical Scan)
- Count location (optical scan equipment)
- Number of units
Election Administration Data Files are available in the following formats:
- DBase
- Excel
- Fixed length ASCII text
- Quote and comma delimited (“”,) ASCII text
Election Administration Data Files are available for the entire country or individual states, and are priced at $1.25 per record (jurisdiction), plus a $250 setup fee. Users may request all records in the database or a may select only certain records—for example, jurisdictions in selected states, jurisdictions with more than a specified number of registered voters, or jurisdictions using a particular type of voting equipment. The price of the nationwide file containing records for all 8,000 election jurisdictions is about $13,500.
To obtain an Election Administration Data File or more information about our election administration database, including voting equipment profiles, please contact or call Kimball Brace at 202–789–2004.